Universal Aimbot 1.31

Short introduction:
This little program will help you get headshots. All it does is take a lot of screenshots of windows (which happens to be cs:s covering the screen), a little image analysis, then moves the mouse for you in cs:s.
This aimbot is superior to other aimbots out there since it does a bit block transfer directly to an array, then the array is split into colors using minimal cpu usage. All other aimbots that I've encountered use getpixel which is about 200 times slower.
VAC status:
By the way it operates it is 100% VAC proof without a doubt. It doesn't modify the game in any way. All it does is take screenshots of your desktop and moves your mouse.
Requirements: There are 2 requirements that should be met before you run this program.
1. You will need colored skin CT models or colored T models which a material wallhack has, the models can be any color.
2. .NET framework 3.5 is required. You should have it already through windows update.

Download Universal Aimbot 1.31 Here:

Solution to known problems:
The aimbot is targeting corpses:
Type cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 in console

I don't know how to install the material wallhack or where to get it:
This link explains it.

The aimbot is shaking too much
Lower the aimbot sensitivity and disable any CSS mouse acceleration
Type cl_showfps 2 in console and change graphic settings to increase FPS to over 60
Try using the default aimbot settings instead of playing with the numbers

The Aimbot does nothing at all
Make sure raw mouse input in css is disabled
If you are on Windows 7, disable the aero theme and play css in fullscreen
You need a colored player model to target, look at the picture below to see what I mean

The aimbot keeps aiming upward
Your crosshair is the same color as what you are trying to target, why don't you set the crosshair to green? by typing cl_crosshaircolor 0.

The aimbot aims too slowly
Increase the aimbot sensitivity

What settings should I use with the default aimbot settings
Windows mouse sensitivity should be on the 6th notch, windows enhanced precision disabled, CSS mouse sensitivity of 3, and CSS mouse acceleration disabled.

If you have windows 7 then you need to disable the aero theme for universal aimbot to work on fullscreen, it's very easy click here to do this. Right click the desktop, click personalize, and select windows 7 basic.

Virus Total Scan:

File name:
Universal Aimbot 1.31.exe
Submission date:
2010-12-28 15:56:27 (UTC)
Current status:

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